Thursday, October 1, 2009

Rice with prawns, toasted bread and squid ink sauce

Finally !!!!! I made it. This "rice with prawns, toasted bread and squid ink sauce" was published by Ale in Menù Turistico in her column, "Chi la fa? Lo aspetto!" that translated might roughly be "Who's making it? I'm waiting!"

My comment is : I really liked this rice, I found it delicate, balanced in its flavours, the rice was cooked to the right point and nice and creamy , the squid ink sauce was perfect with it.

I think it is also suitable to be prepared slightly in advance, and then put in the oven just before serving.  So you can keep this recipe in mind when you have guests and do not want to finish cooking at the last minute.

In tal caso lascere un po' indietro la cottura del riso e da parte un po' di salsina del risotto da aggiungere nelle formine prima di infornare. In that case, I'd leave a little 'back cooking the rice and by a little' sauce for the rice to be added in the molds before baking.  What do you think?


 Recipe by Massimo Riccioli, Restaurant; La Rosetta (Rome) pubblished by Menù Turistico

Serves 4

280 g. of Carnaroli rice,
800 g. of red prawns,
3 cloves of garlic,
2 dl vegetable stock,
2 tablespoons of cognac,
1 ladle of liquid obtained from cooking prawn shells,
50 g. of bread crumbs,
2 fillets of salted anchovies,
1 knob of butter,
1 dl of extra virgin olive oil,
salt and pepper.

For the sauce:

2 sachets of squid ink,
1 tablespoon tomato sauce,
, 1 ladle of prawn liquid,
1 / 2 teaspoon of honey,
1 knob of butter,
4 basil leaves,
 salt and pepper.

Shell and clean the prawns, keeping 4 whole prawns aside for garnishing the plates.
Use the shells to prepare the sauce. Chop the tails.  Toast the rice with 2 tblspns of oil in a pan.  In a saucepan, heat two tablespoons of olive oil, seasoned with two lightly crushed cloves of garlic .  Sauté the chopped prawns, add salt, then add the cognac  and allow to evaporate. Remove the garlic, add the rice and continue cooking, adding the prawn liquid first and then the vegetable stock. Take away from the heat when the rice is only be slightly underdone.  Add salt if necessary, and pepper.


Imburrate 4 stampini e riempiteli con il risotto. 4 buttered molds and fill them with the risotto. Terminate la cottrua in forno a 120-130 gradi, per circa 5 minuti. End the cottrua in oven at 120-130 degrees for about 5 minutes.

Dislicate e sciacquate le acciughe, riducetele in poltiglia, poi dissolvetele nell'olio, con lo spicchio d'aglio rimasto, finemente tritato. Dislich and rinsed anchovies, reduce it to mush, then dissolvetele oil, with the remaining clove of garlic, finely chopped. Scaldate l'olio in una padella e tostate la mollica di pane sbriciolata. Heat the oil in a frying pan and toast the bread crumbs. Mescolate il fondo di gamberi e il brodo vegetale in parti uguali, e versatene un mestolino in una casseruola, nella quale avrete sciolto una noce di burro. Stir the bottom for shrimp and the vegetable stock in equal parts, and pour a ladle in a pot, in which you have melted a knob of butter.

Unite il miele, il basilico tritato e il nero di seppia, diluito in un cucchiaio di salsa di pomodoro. Add the honey, chopped basil and squid ink, diluted in a tablespoon of tomato sauce. Fate ridurre, fino ad ottenere una salsa abbastanza densa. Let reduce until you have a fairly thick sauce.

Velate i piatti con la salsa, sformate il tortino di riso al centro, guarnitelo con i gamberi interi e spolveratelo con la mollica di pane tostata. Veiled the plates with the sauce, transforming the rice cake in the center, garnish with the shrimp and sprinkle with the toasted bread crumbs. Completate con un filo di olio. Complete with a little oil.

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